Page 14 - issue-73
P. 14

The rear tailgate on our truck is so heavy and chunky that it feels as though it would carry the weight of a rhinoceros
it it it must must be said With an an open top like ours ratchet ties are a a a a a a a a a a a must must to to avoid any items of cargo flying out and hitting some unfortunate passer-by As luck (or otherwise) would have it it the the the small fridge freezer in in my holiday home decided to to give up up the the the ghost a a a a a a a a a a couple of weeks after our D-Max arrived so to to avoid having all my precious frozen goods ruined I legged it off pretty smartish to to Halfords for for for two ratchet ties then round to to Curry’s for for for the new white goods The rear tailgate on our truck is so heavy and chunky that it it it feels as as as though it it it would carry the weight of a a a a a a a a rhinoceros
but it it it it it opens easily and smoothly as as as unlike with most other vehicles in in the the sector it it it it features a a a a a a a handy little hydraulic damper on on one aside so doesn’t come down with a a a a a a a a a mighty crash A nice little little added extra in my book Meanwhile there are plenty of chunky hook ties all round and and my new fridge freezer was soon strapped in safely and and securely I also recently included my neighbour Tracey in in a a a a a a photoshoot to to prove that this truck isn’t just for macho types Despite her diminutive stature she had no problem dropping the the the tailgate heaving up some fairly heavy boxes and tying them all in in in in safely with the the the aforementioned ratchet ties Then it was up on to Dartmoor which is just a a a few miles from where I live for some scenic shots of yours truly AdBlue message
After putting almost 4 000 miles on the the clock the the truck informed me me that that it it needed filing up with AdBlue AdBlue My My experience is that that AdBlue AdBlue consumption varies tremendously among differing vehicles My My personal transport a a a a a a a Ford Transit Custom seems to to to drink the the stuff like there’s no tomorrow whereas my son’s BMW 5-series diesel hardly ever needs topping up So as as our truck has now gobbled down 30 litres of the the stuff without overflowing since it it it it it arrived it it it it it looks as though it it it it it falls into the the first category Scary times
Meanwhile a a a a rather curious incident occurred
in in in the the the the winter which brought home to me me the the the the importance of the the the daily walk-round check even for a a a a a a a a a a a smallish commercial vehicle such as as this Having set off on a a a a a a a a a a a cold frosty morning I was alerted to some noises emanating from the the rear o of the the truck As far as as I I knew it was empty Imagine my alarm when
14 TVD
Issue 73 2024
Our model Tracey proves that four-wheel drive trucks are not just for macho types while BELOW: melting ice in in the the cargo area caused a a a a a a a scare on the road recently ~

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